Harry Reid has announced that the senate will vote on the DREAM act as part of the Defense Authorization Bill. The DREAM Act is a necessary humanitarian law that will help countless people who findthemselves in this country through no fault of their own, as long as they attend college or join the armed services. It is a crucial and much needed fix to the immigration laws for people brought to this country as youths or babies and who had no real voice in how they ended up here. In many cases these people have no connection or cultural relation to their country of birth. These people deserve an opportunity to cure a defect not committed by them and in which they had no choice.
It is time for us to DREAM, dream of a country that understands and responds sensibly to the issue of immigration. To address a population, who chose not to break our laws, and who now dream, that they too can join the fabric of our lives, defending the only country they call home, and to educate themselves to serve the only country they call home. May all of our DREAMs come true!