Today the USCIS, accidentally leaked a draft memorandum addressing administrative relief possibilities if Congress was not able to pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform. These ideas are a far cry from the culture of "no" we are used to. The ideas are well thought out, conservative, and humanitarian.
We applaud USCIS for this bright moment in an otherwise grim prospect for Comprehensive Reform. The ideas should be implemented and it appears that some are just shy of entering the rulemaking phase. It's time that agencies begin to act on their goals and missions, and while that does not mean a greencard for all, it does mean a sensible humane policy that addresses the reality that we operate in.
There are so many lofty goals and high hopes in this memo that we will not comment on them individually, other than to say, this policy change along with the enforcement that continues to occur, will go a long way in getting control of our borders and addressing the humanitarian crisis created by continuing to ignore the immigration reform efforts in the U.S. Congress.