The President's remarks were appreciated and eloquent, yet left the impression that they had been said before and there was no tackling of the issues. There was no clarion call to Democrats, while he did call the republicans out and asked them to put aside politics, it was a meek request. This was not a President using the weight and force of his office to deal with the most challenging social and moral issue of the last 30 years. This was a rundown of politics to this point. While as an advocate, we had hoped for more force and action, we were pleased with the passion and eloquence making the issue part of the "fabric of our national identity".
While the President pulled at the heartstrings of our national pride, pointing out the contributions of giants like Einstein, Tesla, Carnegie, and Brin, he also pointed out the simple contributions of a small business owner, and a young woman who joined the military to defend our country. Moving from people, he pointed out the effect of migration on our economy. Describing the U.S. as the engine of the global economy. it was because of migration, that the U.S. enjoys a younger, faster growing workforce than our competitors.
Ultimately the President's remarks focused on how the Politics of who can enter and how is contentious and divisive and we need Bipartisan support to pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform. He called on all parts of the machine to be accountable: Government, Business, and Individuals. The Government needed to enforce its laws, Businesses needed an effective tool to verify employees, and individuals needed to admit they had broken laws, pay fines, learn English prior to joining the pathway.
What was new in his call for Comprehensive Immigration Reform was his call to reform the legal immigration system that he acknowledged is also broken. He called on a system that would allow us to draw the best and brightest, unite families, and stop punishing kids (specifically naming the Dream Act).
As the President said we look forward to the day that his courage and leadership will lead us to a "system that is fair and reflective of our values", but until we in the reform community start to see action, the countless calls begin to lose their weight.