The State of Arizona has enacted 2 very disturbing immigration laws aimed at enforcement and threatening the United States ability to speak with one voice on issues that affect all of the sister states. As these types of laws crop up among the various sister states, the United states is placed in a perilous economic and social predicament. Chief among them, is our national identity. We are a country of immigrants and as we rip that stripe from our identity we lose a sense of ourselves, who we are and what our imange means to the huddled masses yearning to be free. Second, our economic competitiveness as a land of opportunity is seriously jeopardized when we create a climate of hostility and make it difficult for multinational companies to operate within our borders. A company faced with a common compliance code in one country would certainly choose to operate in that system, rather than operate in a system that requires 50 different sets of compliance procedures.
The current administration had made efforts to challenge the latest of the Arizona laws and the Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case challenging the other. These cases must be addressed and we wait with baited breath for the processes and rule of law to do what is right, restore our national identity and make the United States an attractive economic powerhorse in which to compete in the global marketplace.