Saturday, June 27, 2009

Conservatives and Progessives Agree: Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Mitt Romney

The Heritage Foundation, one of the nation's leading conservative think tanks, beleives and advocates for increasing the number of available visas and promoting a sensible immigration policy.

From the Heritage Foundation website:

"The principles upon which the United States is established encourage immigration and promote the transformation of those "yearning to breathe free" into Americans, welcoming newcomers while insisting that they learn and embrace America's civic culture and political institutions. The federal government has a duty to carry out these principles in its policies, while ensuring that U.S. borders are both secure and open to commerce."

We were also quite impressed by the Heritage Foundation's stance on H-1B visas:

The Time to Act

"Congress has failed to raise H-1B caps for several years despite the wide range of support to do so. Raising H-1B caps will provide businesses the professionals and skills they need to develop

  • Raise the cap back to 195,000 visas per year.
  • Make the cap flexible. As the U.S. economy fluctuates through its business cycles, the demand for H-1B visas will rise and fall. Congress should establish a quota that, if met, automatically increases for the next year. In addition, unused visas should be recaptured for the next fiscal year.

Allowing the appropriate levels of high skilled workers into the United States helps the American worker, the economy, and America's federal budget. There is no good reason not to act."